Selecting Your New IT Management Team

Selecting a new IT management team in Fort Lauderdale, Florida can be a little tricky, especially if you are new to the area or industry. If you use platforms to manage your business and house data of your customers, you need to take things like IT management and cyber security very seriously. The more successful your business becomes, the more threats it will face, especially as you try to establish an online presence. 


There is no limit to the number of things you have to be aware of when it comes to managing your online presence. Your marketing efforts, website, social media, company profiles, employee data and profiles, customer data and profiles and more all need to be monitored and protected. Hiring someone inhouse may not be ideal which is why many businesses hire independent consultants and teams to manage their IT needs. 


Best Qualities In An IT Management Team


When you are looking for local IT managers who can assist you with all your cybersecurity needs, you should review teams based on several factors. Finding someone online is a great start but look for references and people who say this is still a customer of theirs and that they are very happy with the results. Here’s what you really want in a new team: 


  1. Responsiveness: The first and most important thing you want from your new team is that they respond to your messages and phone calls. This is needed around the clock and throughout the year. You do not want to work with the best team only to have to wait for responses or be charged more every time you have a question. 
  2. Familiarity with your systems: What systems do you currently use to run your business? Are you open to changing them? If not them you need to make sure that any data management team you hire has experience with that system. 
  3. A proven portfolio: Who have they worked with? Have they worked with companies in your industry? That experience offers so much of a benefit not only because of familiarity with your industry and trends, but also the threats it may face. 
  4. Constantly tests: When things are good you want a team that is going to be proactive and constantly test your defenses for weaknesses and areas that can slow down efficiency. 
  5. Long-term ambitions: This is not a one or two month deal. You are looking for someone that will work for you for years to come. Make sure they have the same ambitions you do. 


Searching for a new team can be tricky but there are independent teams out there that are not only affordable, but will do great work and either manage your systems entirely or offer elite-level support to your inhouse team. 


Questions To Ask An IT Manager


When you are interviewing and meeting with new IT teams, you may want to work on some questions to start. These questions will give you an idea of who you are working with and what qualifications they offer, especially those that are relevant to you. 


  1. Relevant experience with your type of business: Own an e-commerce business that has warehouses or distribution set up in multiple states? That’s great, but it also makes the systems you use a little more complex. Not only do they need to work well for each location, they have to be able to work well for your entire network, offering support, security and more. Because e-commerce needs near-perfect consistency, you want a team experienced with these businesses. 
  2. Relevant experience with your programs: Again, you cannot overlook the value of experience with your current system. You’ve spent a lot of time selecting the system you currently have and your new IT team needs to know how to manage that system from the minute they take over. 
  3. What would they recommend you do: Ask them about what their recommendations would be. They have plenty of questions for you to determine if you are the right fit for them or not. Ask them what they would recommend you do to improve your efforts as well as streamline efficiency. 
  4. Cost breakdown: What are their services going to cost you throughout the year and what support do you expect with that? 
  5. Busy season availability: Do you have busy seasons or periods of the year where things are way more hectic than the rest of the year? Those are the times your entire systems are put to the test as well as your IT management team. Make sure they are ready and available for those stretches. 


There’s no way to know if someone is a right fit from the first interview. However, what you are currently looking for right now is someone who knows their stuff and can hit the ground running whether it’s for your new system or a system that’s been around for years. 


Learn more about the IT management teams in Fort Lauderdale, Florida who can offer you the best assistance. Start off with teams that know the platforms and systems you currently work with and can offer you guidance and recommendations to help your business continue to grow.

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